Thanks everyone who joined us for our third planning meeting. We started with a recap of the second meeting and progress with the mission statement draft. We then broke into discussion about what kinds of organizational structures we can run with that help ensure we satisfy our objectives discussed in planning meeting 2. We are leaning towards a structure that includes four committees, one for each of our broad goals, with some of the committees co-chaired by a pre-prelim student and a post-prelim student. Any student who wants to help out can participate in whatever committee they want, but the committees would be organized and run by an elected committee chair (or two) who is ultimately responsible for making sure the duties assigned to the committee get done. There are several open questions, such as how to distribute specific duties and whether there should be anything resembling a president, that remain that we didn’t get to and will be discussed in meeting 4.
Brainstorming notes:
Broad structure we agreed on towards the end: