Professional Development

General resources

There are plenty of professional development resources available on campus and completely free to you! Here are some places you can start your search for knowledge to help you make the next step in your career:

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Are you writing a paper, proposal, or scholarship essay?

Are you preparing a resume / CV or getting ready for an interview?

Are you looking for general guidance, self-promotion, or tools for your research?

  • Check out the PGSC Professional development seminars at the bottom of this page

Want to find more professional development events?

PGSC Professional Development Seminars

During the Fall 2019, Spring 2020, and Fall 2020 semesters, the PGSC hosted several Professional Development events to provide physics graduate students direct access to topics outside the scope of the standardized physics curriculum. The resources on this page cover General Guidance, Self-Promotion, and Research Tools.

General Guidance

Overview of the Job Market

Writing Fellowship Proposals
Going from Physics to Industry


Building a Personal Website

Preparing a Resume

Using LinkedIn

Research Tools

Reading Academic Articles

Version Control with Git

Improving Code Speed