Hi everyone, and Happy Monday!
We’d like to first thank everyone who voted in the election– we had an amazing turnout! We’d like to especially thank both Abby and Jacob for volunteering to run. PGSC can’t be successful without enthusiastic people like you offering your time.
Your first year representative for 2019-2020 will be Abby Bishop. Congrats!
As a reminder, PGSC committees are open to all graduate students, and if you’re interested in being more involved feel free to email the appropriate officer (info here: pgsc.physics.wisc.edu/officers/) or Susan or me, and we can help. There is also an anonymous comment box on our website (pgsc.physics.wisc.edu/comment-box/) that you can fill out at any time if you have ideas for how PGSC can better serve students.
Thanks again and have a great week!
Kayla & Susan for the PGSC Officers